Airband’s full fibre broadband delivery for CDS scaled back
Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) and Airband have announced that they have agreed to scale back Airband’s contract agreements to deliver full fibre to properties in the region.Both CDS and Airband remain committed to finding possible alternative delivery solutions for those communities who were due to receive fibre broadband.
To date the operator has delivered 18,794 premises in collaboration with CDS. However, following Airband’s restructure earlier this year, the company is seeking to maximise take up across its existing network while slowing down on build activity which means it can no longer complete its contracted build for CDS in full. As a result, in April, Airband sought a change to its contract.
Detailed discussions have now concluded between CDS, Airband and Building Digital UK (BDUK) to resolve the situation and Airband has now committed to provide full fibre access to 8,377 more homes and businesses covered by the contracts, providing a total of 27,171 out of the 55,493 premises it was originally contracted to deliver. This additional build will further unlock fibre delivery by Airband to 10,997 non-contracted premises along the network build routes, giving an overall commitment to connect a further 19,834 premises in Devon and Somerset.