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Planning, design and surveys

Before construction of the network can begin, design work, planning and surveying form key elements of the process to determine the build route and work schedule.

This work involves talking to landowners, parish councils, and local communities to come up with the best and most cost-effective route to take for the new network. As this develops access agreements to land (known as wayleaves) need to be secured as well as access to highways.

Potential routes will be walked to identify any engineering difficulties and inform the timing of the construction programme. Traffic management requirements are identified and alternative routes are also investigated. For example, where a soft dig through fields may be a better option than digging up roads to reduce time and traffic management.

Existing infrastructure

Existing infrastructure, such as telegraph poles, have to be checked to ensure they are in good condition. It is also important to survey power connections and utiltities as well as taking into account environmental considerations.

Broadband providers have to determine the best starting point for the primary connection to the network, known as a “backhaul” which is the main link to existing infrastructure.
