Use the postcode checker below to find out if you live in an area with, or with planned, broadband coverage - and who the provider is in your area.
Our coverage maps highlight where superfast broadband has been delivered and where it's earmarked in our latest rollout.
Coverage search
Select your address from the box below and we’ll quickly check our records. If you’re in our coverage plans, we’ll connect you straight to our partners for more information.
Please be aware that we are not legally responsible for the content on any third party websites, including any inaccuracies or errors in information that relates to the delivery of the Connecting Devon and Somerset superfast broadband programme.
Maps and progress
Superfast coverage maps
These maps show existing and planned broadband coverage for the area. Existing coverage comprises commercially-funded networks, coloured red, and CDS-funded networks, coloured green. The commercial coverage is based on returns from private sector broadband providers.
All coverage shown indicates areas where a minimum download speed of 30Mbps (Superfast) is available.
Increasingly, more coverage, including the new CDS contracts, is provided by full fibre connections direct to homes and businesses. This means that even if someone only requires a Superfast connection now, from day one the service is capable of Ultrafast (100Mbps) or Gigabit (1,000Mbps) speeds when they require it.
Planned coverage, coloured blue, indicates areas currently earmarked for inclusion in the new CDS contracts. exact details of the final areas, including which homes and businesses will be covered, will be available when contractors have completed their on the ground surveys and network designs.